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Eddo Verdoners Speech at the Canadian Embassy on Their Burdened History

Eddo Verdoners Speech at the Canadian Embassy on Their Burdened History

The Canadian embassy in the Netherlands hosted an event on January 8 about the complex history of the ambassadors residence in Wassenaar and its echoes in Jewish history.

The Canadian embassy hosted an event discussing the challenging history of the ambassadors residence and its impact on Jewish history. The estate Groot Haesebroek was owned by the Jewish Wolf family before the war and was seized and looted by the Germans. Upon returning from Bergen-Belsen, the family had to sell the property. National Coordinator Eddo Verdoner delivered the following speech at this event.

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Source published: 9 January 2025
Source last updated: 9 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 9 January 2025
Source: Nationaal Coördinator Antisemitismebestrijding