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Beroving pakketbezorgers, diefstal portemonnee en schietincident in Team West
Source published: 4 March 2025

Robbery of Package Deliverers, Theft of Wallet, and Shooting Incident in Team West

Gebied: Den Haag, Gouda, Voorburg, Zoetermeer

In Team West, we are making a call for witnesses regarding the robbery of package deliverers in Gouda tonight. We are also sharing surveillance footage of suspects involved in the theft of a wallet. Additionally, we are drawing attention to a shop robbery on Molenstraat in Lochem. Furthermore, we will again focus on the shooting incident that occurred on Sumatra in Zoetermeer last September.

Robbery of Package Deliverers – Mercatorsingel – Gouda

On Friday, January 17, a package deliverer was robbed for the 2nd time in 1.5 weeks on Mercatorsingel in Gouda. Four men were involved in the robbery. On January 8, a package deliverer was robbed in the same manner on Gaspeldoornlaan in Gouda, also by 4 men. In the broadcast, footage of the robbers will be shown.

Theft of Wallet – Spinozalaan - Voorburg 

An 82-year-old woman became a victim of theft on December 3, 2024, at her home on Spinozalaan in Voorburg. In the hall of the apartment, her wallet was stolen from her walker by two women. Afterwards, 400 euros were withdrawn from her account at a Geldmaat. In the broadcast, we will show surveillance footage of the thieves.

Robbery – Molenstraat – Lochem

On Friday, January 10 around 19:00, the Kruidvat in Lochem was robbed. A man asked if he could use the restroom and then stole money, items, and a phone from the storage room. That phone was later active in The Hague and Zoetermeer. The suspect could also be recognized in this area. In the broadcast, we will show footage of him.

Shooting Incident - Sumatra - Zoetermeer  

A shooting incident occurred on Sumatra in Zoetermeer on September 20, 2024, around 21:15. The occupant of a car reportedly fired shots. Presumably, a quarrel between two groups of youths preceded this. In the broadcast, we will show footage of the suspect during the shooting incident.

About Team West

Team West: every Tuesday at 17:00 on TV West. The broadcast is repeated every hour. On Wednesdays, Team West is repeated several more times.

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Source last updated: 4 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 4 March 2025
Source: Politie