The Committee on Justice and Security is organizing an expert meeting on Tuesday, March 11, as a preparation for the debate on the State of the Rule of Law. This debate will take place on June 3, 2025. On April 15, another preparatory expert meeting will be held. Parties involved in investigation, enforcement, judiciary, legal aid, and implementation are invited for this.
The committee wants to be informed during this meeting about the public sentiment regarding the rule of law and the signals that are being captured in this regard. The committee has decided not to limit itself content-wise, allowing all topics related to the rule of law to be discussed.
Position papers from the experts have also been received. You can find them on the agenda (see link below).
Experts participating include:
- -Rabin Baldewsingh - National Coordinator against Discrimination and Racism
- -Eddo Verdoner - National Coordinator for Combating Anti-Semitism
- -Ineke Boerefijn - Coordinating Policy Advisor, Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
- -Lonneke van Noije, Senior Researcher, Social and Cultural Planning Office
- -Frank van Ommeren, Member of the Council for Public Administration.
The meeting is from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. You can attend the expert meeting or follow it via the livestream. More information about these options can be found here.