Minister Wiersma: “The past weeks have been very tense for the sector – and for me as well. I sincerely hope that next week we will have the situation fully under control and we can conclude that we have had a very extensive practical exercise that has heightened awareness regarding MKZ among all parties involved. The past weeks again show that it is crucial to be well-prepared for animal diseases. I want to express my great gratitude to everyone involved for their tremendous efforts.”
Test Results
The NVWA has examined and sampled a total of 3754 animals since December 1, which were brought in from Brandenburg, the German region where the MKZ virus was found on a farm. None of these animals showed symptoms consistent with MKZ. Test results for all these animals are now known.
Some samples tested with an ELISA test for antibodies against the MKZ virus returned a positive result. Given the large number of tests, this is expected. Sometimes an ELISA test can yield a false positive. The samples with a positive ELISA result will be retested using a virus neutralization test for a definitive conclusion. A total of 29 samples are involved. The first 12 retests have already been conducted, and all these results were negative. The last 17 results are expected to be known early next week. These 17 samples come from 12 companies. The holders are understandably anxious about the results. They will be informed by the NVWA once the results are known.
Measures Scaled Down
There is no longer a reason to maintain the transport and visitor ban for all veal farms in the Netherlands. It suffices to maintain restrictions for the remaining 12 companies currently being retested. Therefore, the Minister of LVVN will lift the transport and visitor ban on Friday, January 24. The companies for which retest results are not yet known will be individually blocked by the NVWA. Once the test results are known and favorable, the blockade of the respective company will be lifted. All results are expected to be known early next week.
Situation in Germany
We are closely monitoring developments in Germany. Fortunately, no new infections have been found. Germany has not extended the overall transport restrictions imposed by the state of Brandenburg now that it has been shown that no other companies are infected with MKZ. The restriction and surveillance zones of 3 and 10 kilometers around the affected water buffalo farm will remain in effect until at least February 11, according to European animal health regulations.