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Ruim 40 kilo softdrugs in woning Den Oever
Source published: 25 February 2025

Over 40 kilos of soft drugs in a house in Den Oever

Gebied: Den Oever

Fire hazard, drugs, and crime: You dont want that in your village. The police received multiple anonymous reports about a house in Den Oever. The Drug Team from North Holland and the neighborhood officer found over 40 kilos of cannabis in the house.

The windows were blacked out, there were constantly short visits by unknown individuals, and a pungent smell of cannabis surrounded the house.
For the Drug Team from North Holland, there were enough signals to conduct an investigation, together with the neighborhood officer.
On Tuesday, February 25, police entered the house on Waddenstraat and found not a grow operation, but over 40 kilos of cannabis. This was seized.  
A 33-year-old man from Hollands Kroon has been arrested. The investigation is ongoing.

Happy with a safer neighborhood

Neighborhood officer Sander Laan in Wieringen is pleased with the outcome. “This time it was not a grow operation where electricity and water are tapped in a dangerous manner, but thanks to these tips, we are making the neighborhood safer together.”

Keep crime out of your neighborhood

Do you suspect such a criminal spot in the neighborhood? Check for tips at https://www.houdmisdaaduitjebuurt.nl/
You can report via 0900-8844, in case of emergency 112. Via Meld Misdaad Anoniem (0800-7000), your tips will get to the police, but personal data will not.

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Source last updated: 25 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 25 February 2025
Source: Politie