The police tracked the suspects in an ongoing investigation into drug-related offenses, excessive violence, and burglaries. This investigation resulted in several searches of seven homes in Lelystad and one business premises in Almere over the past week.
Three men aged 20, a 19-year-old man, an 18-year-old man, and a 17-year-old boy, all from Lelystad, have been arrested. Some for committing theft with violence, others for drug dealing or possession of firearms. During the investigation, suspicion also arose that several men were frequently involved in committing burglaries. Four of the suspects are under full restriction. This means they may only have contact with their lawyer. The investigation continues, and the police do not rule out further arrests.
The World of Drug Crime
The trade in narcotics has serious consequences. It often goes hand in hand with (excessive) violence, extortion, and intimidation. Drug criminals invest in neighborhoods and often choose young people in their network to do tasks for them, so they themselves remain out of sight.
Do You See Signals? Call the Police!
In the fight against drug trafficking, the police work together with the municipality, the Public Prosecution Service, and other organizations, such as the RIEC and the Safety Coalition Midden-Nederland with the Street Values program. But this fight cannot be done by the police and the government alone. We need your eyes and ears. Do you see any of these signals?
- People hanging around somewhere and quickly exchanging something with passersby.
- A car where people are constantly picking up something.
- Many visits to a house or property, even at odd times.
Report these to the police or your local officer. Always call 112 in suspicious situations. Or report the signals anonymously to us via Meld Misdaad Anoniem at 0800-7000.