Report of Stabbing Incident
At around 1:30 PM, we received a report of a conflict in which there may have been stabbings. Immediately after the report, we went to the scene. At Boskwei, we found two victims. These are a 43-year-old man and a 74-year-old man, both from the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân. The 43-year-old man was injured to the extent that he had to be taken to the hospital.
Arrest of Suspects
Investigations reveal that there was a mutual conflict between the parties involved. In the vicinity of Boskwei, we arrested three suspects. These include both victims and a 60-year-old man from the municipality of Noardeast-Fryslân. All three were arrested for involvement in the report. The 60-year-old man is still in custody. The other two suspects have since been released.
At the location, we immediately began collecting evidence. Neighborhood inquiries were conducted and the police are reviewing possible surveillance footage from the area. The investigation will determine what exactly happened and what led up to the report.