A 59-year-old man from Voorthuizen is suspected by the Public Prosecution Service of extensive sexual abuse of two underage girls who worked or interned at his restaurant. He also showed sexual acts to a third underage girl, for which a report has also been made. The statements from the girls, testimonies from other witnesses, and video material leave no room for doubt about the guilt of this suspect, according to the Public Prosecution Service. Nevertheless, he denied almost everything, both to the police and during the hearing. The 59-year-old is also suspected of possessing and producing child pornography.
The suspect has caused serious harm to his victims. They were between 12 and 15 years old. Due to the significant age difference, the fact that he was their superior as the restaurant owner, and perhaps also his dominant character, the girls did not dare to oppose him. One of the victims received money from the suspect if she would keep quiet. The victims were very young. They were ashamed of what was happening and did not dare to talk about it. In any case, one of the victims always came home from work with stomach pain. She turned into a wreck when the abuse came to light.
Investigations reveal that the suspect interacts inappropriately and sexually with girls and women. The suspect has committed serious pedosexual offenses, according to the Public Prosecution Service. What he has done will haunt his victims for their entire lives.
Child pornography of unknown minors was also found on the suspects phone. This indicates that someone has abused children to create this material. As long as there are people like this suspect who want it, there will be people who make it. Thus, abuse continues, states the Public Prosecution Service.
The suspects personality has been examined by various experts. Because the suspect did not fully cooperate and mainly provided socially desirable answers, it cannot be definitively established whether he has a personality disorder. However, it can be inferred from the reports that there is a great need for treatment and that there is a risk of reoffending for a pedosexual offense. The prosecutor is clear: The safety of society requires appropriate treatment for this suspect to prevent him from returning to society untreated with an unrelenting risk of reoffending. In my opinion, imposing compulsory treatment is the only option.