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Police Force
Aanhouding voor zware mishandeling Lange Veerstraat in Haarlem
Source published: 6 February 2025

Arrest for Severe Assault on Lange Veerstraat in Haarlem

Gebied: Haarlem

On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, around 0:40 AM, a severe assault took place on Lange Veerstraat in Haarlem. The police have arrested a 33-year-old man from Haarlem who is suspected of assaulting the victim.

Two men were standing on the night of December 10 to December 11 on Lange Veerstraat in Haarlem. An unknown man rode towards them on a bicycle. This unknown man, also the suspect, asked for a cigarette, but the two men did not have one for him. A verbal exchange occurred between the men. Out of nowhere, the suspect hit one of the men. The police started an investigation and showed footage of this assault in a witness appeal. Following this, the suspect turned himself in.

Reports have been received via Meld Misdaad Anoniem. The police thanks the anonymous reporters for this.

Also Report Anonymously
The police often makes appeals to share information or camera footage in ongoing investigations. This can be done via politie.nl. Anonymous reporting is always possible through meldmisdaadanoniem.nl or 0800-7000. 

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Source last updated: 6 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 6 February 2025
Source: Politie