Van Marum bases this decision on a trial by the National Coordinator Groningen (NCG) involving 185 homes. The trial shows that the combination leads to greater satisfaction among residents. The preparation for the work is easier, and residents have less to arrange themselves. Residents in the trial also reported that discussions at the kitchen table are experienced as more pleasant.
Secretary of State Eddie van Marum (Recovery Groningen): “I want to keep the disturbance for residents as small as possible. This can be achieved by carrying out light reinforcements and insulation simultaneously. Then you have one hassle, and you will live in a reinforced and well-insulated house afterwards. It may be that the overall reinforcement task takes longer because of this, but safety and relieving residents are more important to me.”
Starting in April
The NCG will immediately begin preparations for the combination. It is expected that the NCG will start discussions in April with residents who want to carry out light reinforcement simultaneously with insulation. Residents will be kept informed by their resident guides from the NCG.
There is a group of residents who started light reinforcement just after the trial and just before this decision. To ensure that this group does not fall through the cracks, the NCG will talk to these residents to find a suitable solution together.
Insulation to the Standard
Insulating homes is one of the promises from Nij Begun, the government’s response to the parliamentary inquiry into gas extraction from the Groningen field. The NCG had already combined reinforcement and insulation for heavier reinforcements of four months or longer, where residents often have to vacate their homes. This is measure 28 from Nij Begun. The combination for lighter reinforcements is based on measure 29. The goal of this measure is to insulate all homes in the province of Groningen and the North Drenthe municipalities of Tynaarlo, Noordenveld, and Aa en Hunze to the national standard for home insulation.
Currently, the draft regulation for measure 29 is in internet consultation. This closes on January 27. After that, all responses will be reviewed by the national government and the region together. It may be that the regulation is then improved or adjusted. The final version will be submitted to the House of Representatives.