The witnesses held the suspect until the police arrived. Officers arrested the individual and took them to the police station. The explosive material was secured by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and later detonated at a safe location that night.
Early Friday morning, there was also an attempt to detonate an explosive in the same street. This explosive was left by a suspect, who was caught by a witness. It is still unknown if the arrested suspect is the same person. This explosive was also secured by the EOD and detonated.
In consultation with the police, the municipality of Volendam-Edam decided to install CCTV surveillance in the street. The CCTV monitoring started on Friday afternoon. The footage from last night has been secured by the police. Further footage from cameras in the area and information are welcome. Footage can be uploaded to Information can be shared via 0900-8844 or anonymously via Meld Misdaad Anoniem: 0800-7000.