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Politie zoekt info over uitgebrande grijze VW Golf, betrokken bij inbraak Drents Museum
Source published: 26 January 2025

Police seek information about burnt grey VW Golf involved in burglary of Drents Museum

Gebied: Assen

The police are looking for information about a stolen and burnt dark grey Volkswagen Golf involved in the burglary at the Drents Museum. We request tips about the car between January 23 at 04:20 and the burglary on January 25 at 03:45. The car may have been parked in the vicinity of Groningen, North Drenthe, and Assen and possibly had stolen license plates (K-813-BK).

Our investigation shows that the dark grey Volkswagen Golf (with license plate P-343-RL) was stolen from the Ingelandstraat in Alkmaar. This occurred between January 22 at 20:30 and January 23 at 03:30. During the same period, license plates (K-813-BK) were stolen from the van Aylvaweg in Witmarsum, near the A7. We are looking for camera footage or tips about these thefts. Did you see or hear anything? Report it to the police!

Car seen in Groningen
The car was seen on January 23 at 04:20 in Groningen, with the stolen license plates (K-813-BK) on the Julianaplein.

Nearly 48 hours unknown
The car was only seen again nearly 48 hours later near the Drents Museum, right after the burglary on January 25 at 03:45. We do not know where the car was in that time. It may have been parked in Groningen, North Drenthe, or Assen.

It is important to determine the cars location between January 23 and 25. This helps in tracking down involved individuals. Did you see this car or any unusual driving behavior? Let us know.

After the burglary: arson and getaway car
After the burglary, the grey Volkswagen Golf drove away. At 04:00, we received a report of a fire under the N33 overpass near Rolde, where the stolen vehicle was found. We also found a stolen license plate. Footage shows that a fire broke out and that a vehicle drove away shortly after in the direction of Nooitgedacht. We suspect that the suspects fled in another vehicle. Do you have tips about this getaway car or other suspicious vehicles? Please report it.

Contact us
Do you have information about the Golfs whereabouts between January 23 and 25? Do you have footage or tips regarding the thefts in Alkmaar and Witmarsum? Do you know more about the getaway car? Call the Reporting Hotline at 0800-6070 or share information anonymously via 0800-7000.

Investigation ongoing
The investigation into the burglary at the Drents Museum is ongoing. The police are working with many detectives on this case. The recovery of the stolen items and the suspects is our priority.

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Source last updated: 26 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 27 January 2025
Source: Politie