On Sunday, December 22 at 4:15 AM, a man and his friend are waiting for a taxi. They hear a gay couple being insulted by two men. The suspect asks for cigarettes, and when the victim replies that it’s not polite, the suspect reacts aggressively. The victim states that he is also homosexual, but the suspect pushes him hard and strikes him.
Despite more people gathering, the man is attacked by the group, kicked down, and while on the ground, he is kicked. The group eventually flees towards Koningsplein. The police are asking witnesses to come forward.
Description of the suspect:
- Man
- Around 25 years old
- About 1.80 meters tall
- Light skin
- Short black hair
- Multicolored jacket with black sleeves
- Light-colored pants
In the Netherlands, you can be who you are and love who you want. Tackling discrimination is important, and the police take this seriously. Discrimination can be considered an aggravating circumstance.
If you belong to the LGBTQI+ community and face discrimination or assault, contact the police. There is always a Roze in Blauw team available to help. Call 088-1691234 or email: roze-in-blauw.ad@politie.nl
Police Force

Source published: 14 January 2025
Serious Assault Due to Sexual Orientation
Gebied: Amsterdam
A man is assaulted for being homosexual, just before Christmas in Amsterdam.