Illustrative photo
The police investigated addresses in Tiel (2) and Veenendaal (1). In Tiel, on Meeuwstraat, a drug lab was found in a house. The National Facility for Dismantling (LFO) was present to investigate and dismantle the lab. It is suspected that hard drugs were produced, but the lab was not operational. Further investigation will reveal what exactly was produced, but this will take some time.
Two Arrests in Different Cities
Information from the investigation in Wageningen led detectives to various addresses. An arrest team intervened at two locations. In Tiel, a 33-year-old man was arrested, and in Veenendaal, a 39-year-old man. Both suspects are believed to be involved in drug production. A significant amount of cash was also found in Veenendaal (Nijhofflaan).
What to Do If You Suspect Illegal Activities?
Criminals do not only operate in remote locations but can also be found in shopping streets and residential areas. Pay attention to the following signs:
- Smells of acetone, anise, or hemp; noise from ventilation; plastic bags on the ground;
- Houses or garages with unusual traffic at odd hours;
- Brief meetings between individuals exchanging items;
- A house with closed or covered windows that is always damp;
- Unusual items being carried inside or excessive construction work;
- High security around a building, such as dogs or cameras;
- Jerrycans, barrels, or bags found around the building.
Not all of these signs need to be present. Would you like to know more about what you can do if you suspect criminal activities in your area? Visit the website of the new government campaign ‘Keep Crime Out of Your Neighborhood’.
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