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Active Lab
The suspected drug lab was located in an empty farmhouse on Omsteg in Gendringen. Upon arrival, police found no one present. However, they discovered raw materials necessary for and waste associated with the production of amphetamine.
Currently, the suspected drug lab is being dismantled. Police are investigating the quantity and precise nature of the goods found.
Dangers of a Drug Lab
Drugs are harmful to people, but they are also deadly to nature. The production of drugs like ecstasy is a chemical process. What remains afterwards is pure poison. Unfortunately, criminals often dump this waste somewhere in a forest, or in a river. Or they dispose of it in residential areas. Or they let it slowly leak into a slurry pit on a farm. In all ways, it ends up in nature. Animals die from it. And it also ends up in your food or drink.
Drug labs are also dangerous in another way. Fires can break out and explosions can occur.
Drug labs can be found anywhere; in the countryside or in the big city, in farm sheds, residential houses, garage boxes, or in apartment buildings. Signs that a drug lab may be present include the presence of a strong synthetic smell (anise-like or chemically irritating, sour or acetone). The relevant building often has cracks and/or windows sealed with spray foam. The windows may also be fogged, covered or blocked; for example, the curtains never open.
If you suspect a drug lab, call the police at 112 or tip the police online or by phone via the Reporting Line 0800 – 6070. Anonymous reporting is also possible via 0800 - 7000. A (anonymous) tip will first be thoroughly investigated by the police.