The F-35s monitor NATO airspace over the Baltic States. The Quick Reaction Alert is also part of the mission. This allows 2 F-35s to take off quickly to intercept an aircraft. This occurs when an aircraft approaches NATO airspace without identification. Personnel from the National Datalink Management Cell ensure that F-35 pilots and allies can share information during operations.
Ongoing Threat
The Netherlands provides a concrete contribution to the defense of the NATO alliance by filling a slot in the rotation schedule. Allies take turns every few months. Given the ongoing Russian threat, the defense of both domestic and allied territories is more important than ever.
Deterrence and Reassurance
By deploying F-35s on the eastern flank, the Netherlands contributes to deterring Russia with advanced military capabilities. Furthermore, they provide reassurance to Estonia and neighboring NATO allies. This deployment also enhances the training of our soldiers and cooperation with other countries.
NATO directly commands the fighter jets. The Netherlands hands over the entire detachment to the alliance.