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‘Samen maken we het politiewerk sterker’
Source published: 20 February 2025

‘Together we make police work stronger’

Gebied: Driebergen

3,388,673 calls to the 112 central, 267 arrests thanks to the support of the helicopter, and 1432 kg of drugs intercepted on the main infrastructure by the Flexible Intervention Team (FIT). A selection from the annual figures of the National Expertise and Operations unit (LX).

Police chief of the LX, Inge Godthelp-Teunissen, reflects back and forward. The numbers are impressive but represent only a small part of the work that the experts of the LX are engaged in daily. ‘And this for a unit that has officially only existed for one year,’ Inge proudly states. ‘Until December 31, 2023, we were still one National Unit. One day later, on January 1, 2024, the National Unit continued in two new units: the National Investigation and Interventions Unit (LO) and the National Expertise and Operations Unit.’

‘That was an adjustment,’ Inge says. ‘But if you look at the Annual Overview 2024, there are plenty of reasons to be proud.’ The experts of the LX provided their expertise to regional units across the country. For example, after the explosion at Tarwekamp in The Hague. But also internationally, during the Olympic Games in Paris. ‘We participate in many operations. Among others, by actively seeking collaboration with the regional units in the country. Fortunately, everyone is getting to know us better, as not everyone was aware of the knowledge that the LX possesses.’

Operational Strength

One of the missions of the LX is to provide operational strength. ‘That’s why we also take to the streets: what do the units need from us? That interaction is extremely important. We are both feet in the operation. Yes, we provide support. In both large and smaller cases. But as far as I’m concerned, the LX is not a supportive unit, but an operational unit. We have the expertise, intelligence, and knowledge to strengthen police work both domestically and internationally.’

About LX

LX is responsible for enforcement and investigation on the main infrastructure and the monitoring, security, and protection of individuals who need it. We possess specialist knowledge and innovative means and methods for detecting criminal activities. We assist in missing person cases and coordinate and provide (inter)national assistance. Additionally, we monitor, coordinate, and support ongoing and future police operations throughout the country. And we are building a strengthened national intelligence facility for the entire corps.

Want to know more about the LX and curious about all the results from the annual overview 2024? Check out the full infographic below.

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Source last updated: 20 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 February 2025
Source: Politie