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Social Affairs and Employment
Basisscholen kunnen aan de slag met geldlessen
Source published: 4 March 2025

Primary schools can get started with money lessons

From today, a large group of primary schools can apply for subsidies for financial education. This allows children to learn how to handle money from a young age. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment is making 11.2 million euros available this year.

State Secretary Jurgen Nobel: “What is learned young is done old. This applies to financial matters as well. If children learn to handle money from a young age, they will benefit from it for a lifetime. Thus, lessons about money can help prevent debt. That is why it is good to open this subsidy for primary schools now.”

Defined group of schools

Because many primary schools are overstretched and facing staff shortages, it has been decided to make the subsidy available to a defined group.

This period, only primary schools with an educational disadvantage score above the threshold are eligible. Many students with a higher risk of educational disadvantage are enrolled in those schools.

Lessons and meetings

Schools can use the subsidy, for example, to hire staff or release them for lessons about money. Or to support parents and caregivers in the financial upbringing of children, for instance by organizing meetings about this.

In recent years, subsidies were also available for financial education in secondary schools and in vocational education.

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Source last updated: 4 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 4 March 2025
Source: Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid