The inspection was carried out by Customs, KMAR, the Environmental Protection and Transport Inspectorate, RUD Zeeland, RDW, the Environmental Transport Team of the National Expertise police unit, the municipality of Borsele, the Environmental Team, the Eastern Scheldt Basin Basic Team, and the Port Police. They jointly checked for waste transports and the transport of hazardous substances. In total, 53 checks were conducted.
Fines were issued for:
- Two bald tires on a trailer, with the stipulation that these tires must be replaced on site
- The absence of a splash guard around a wheel of a trailer
- Sharp protruding cargo
- Defective brake lights on a trailer
- An overweight combination, the vehicle and trailer together were 700 kilos too heavy
- Using green trader plates while this was not permitted for this vehicle
- A Bulgarian truck was taken out of traffic due to various technical defects and had to be repaired immediately at the garage
Furthermore, a load of asbestos was transported where the packaging was torn. This had to be resealed immediately, and during a follow-up investigation due to this finding, the RUD found more irregularities at an asbestos remediation site. Additionally, a foreigner was stopped by the KMAR, who now has 28 days to leave the Schengen area.