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Drugslab in woning in Den Haag aangetroffen
Source published: 3 March 2025

Drug Lab Found in Home in The Hague

Gebied: Den Haag

Last night, the police discovered a drug lab in a residence in The Hague. Four suspects have been arrested on suspicion of possession and/or processing of drugs.

Colleagues from the Infrastructure Service of the National Expertise and Operations Unit spotted a car with German license plates driving on the A4 towards The Hague. They decided to follow the car due to suspicions of drug trafficking. The car stopped in The Hague. When the colleagues saw another person near the car, they proceeded to conduct a check. A block of cocaine was found in the car. Both men, aged 48 and 49 from the Dominican Republic, were arrested.

Further investigation led the police to a nearby house on Lannoystraat. Various rooms contained narcotics and liquids. The National Forensic Investigation Team arrived on the scene and found 80 kilos of cocaine in blocks and several barrels with various raw materials for the production of narcotics. Two men, aged 26 and 32 from Colombia, were found in the house and were arrested. The drugs and liquids were confiscated and destroyed.

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Source last updated: 3 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 3 March 2025
Source: Politie