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Start Implementation of the Surviving Dependents Scheme for Deceased Applicants of Childcare Benefits

Start Implementation of the Surviving Dependents Scheme for Deceased Applicants of Childcare Benefits

On January 20, 2025, the surviving dependents scheme for deceased applicants of childcare benefits will start. The survivors can go through the recovery process that the deceased parent was entitled to.

State Secretary Palmen: "The consequences of the benefits scandal often affect the entire family. It is important that all victims and their families receive the right assistance as soon as possible. The Surviving Dependents Scheme for deceased applicants is an important step to help families where the childcare benefits applicant has passed away.”


If an applicant for childcare benefits dies, the family still needs assistance. The surviving dependents scheme allows heirs to receive the compensation the deceased parent was entitled to. The survivors will be approached step by step this week by the Recovery Benefits Implementation Organization (UHT). The expectation is that support will begin for all survivors within 4 months.

End of Recovery Operation

The cabinet aims to ensure that all affected parents are fully compensated by the end of 2027. About 80 percent of the registered parents have received a comprehensive assessment, and nearly 39,000 parents have been recognized as victims. All victims have received 30,000 euros, their debts have been addressed, and they have received back the money they unjustly paid, with interest. They have also received financial compensation for the immaterial and emotional damages they suffered, and their children have also received a financial contribution.

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Source published: 20 January 2025
Source last updated: 20 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 January 2025
Source: Financiën