The control was carried out together with the Tax Authority and the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. This allows for checking as many issues as possible at once. The check took place in the morning at Het Nieuwland in Den Helder and in the afternoon at the Groeneweg in Schagen.
81 mopeds, cars, and electric bikes checked
A total of 81 mopeds, cars, and electric bikes were checked. The police issued 43 reports. This occurred, among other things, for:
- speeding,
- driving without a license,
- loose cargo
- child without a seat,
- not using hands-free devices
Four people under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Three drivers were under the influence of alcohol. One driver was under the influence of drugs and was arrested.
Drugs affect your driving ability
Drugs and certain medications stay in your body for a long time and affect your driving ability. Think of medications with a yellow or red sticker on the packaging. A saliva test shows whether you have used drugs, and that use does not have to be on the same day. If your saliva test is positive, blood will be drawn by a doctor. This blood is examined in a laboratory. It shows which drugs were found and whether it is a criminal amount. Your final penalty depends on this.
Tax Authority collects over 29,000 euros
During the check, the Tax Authority seized seven vehicles. Over 29,000 euros in outstanding taxes was collected. Someone was also sidelined with an outstanding debt of over 450,000 euros.