The robbery took place on Draaibrugpad, in the tunnel. Two dark-clad boys allegedly threatened the woman with a knife. The duo grabbed the scooter and rode off clumsily. They reportedly crashed into the tunnel. They then rode towards West-Souburg. Afterwards, they presumably rode over the Nieuw Vlissingseweg towards Middelburg. The woman escaped with a fright, but there is no trace of her scooter.
The scooter is black and has only one mirror, on the left side. It may have been damaged by now. The suspects are described as follows:
Suspect 1:
- Around 13 to 14 years old
- Approximately 1.60 meters tall
- Blond hair
- White skin color
- Black jacket
- Black pants
Suspect 2:
- Around 13 to 14 years old
- Approximately 1.65 meters tall
- Stocky build, round face
- Dark hair, short with curls
- Lightly tanned
- Black jacket
- Black pants
Seen something?
The police are calling on witnesses to come forward. Did you see this duo ride by? And do you know where they went? All tips are welcome. Call 0900-8844, or report your tip to Meld Misdaad Anoniem at 0800-7000.