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Vier personen aangehouden in drugsonderzoek Dronten
Source published: 26 February 2025

Four persons arrested in drug investigation Dronten

Gebied: Dronten/Biddinghuizen

On Thursday morning, February 26, the police arrested four men aged between 20 and 30 from the municipality of Dronten in a large investigation into drug trafficking. The police also searched five premises in Dronten and one in Biddinghuizen, seizing narcotics, expensive items, and money.

The police came across the four suspects in an ongoing investigation into drug-related offenses in Dronten. This investigation also resulted in a search of three homes and two business premises in Dronten and a house in Biddinghuizen. The police seized hard drugs, thousands of euros in cash, multiple cars, a motorcycle, and other expensive items, such as branded clothing and watches. The investigation continues, and the police do not rule out further arrests.

Consequences of drug trafficking

Drug trafficking has significant consequences for society. It is a common form of undermining. It is associated with violence, extortion, and intimidation. Young people and adults are approached to participate in this. They are drawn into a criminal path from which it is difficult to escape. The approach to undermining focuses on sustainably disrupting criminal activities, networks, and structures. Seizing criminal assets is an important part of the fight against organized crime. By taking away criminally obtained assets, criminals are hit where it hurts them, namely in their wallets. This way, they gain no advantage from their actions, and it is made clear that crime does not pay.

Keep crime out of your neighborhood  

In the fight against drug trade and use, the police work together with the municipality, the Public Prosecution Service, and other organizations, such as the RIEC. However, the police and the government cannot do this fight alone. We need your eyes and ears. Do you see any of these signals?

  • People hanging around and quickly exchanging something with passersby.
  • A car where people are constantly picking up something.
  • Frequent visitors to a home or property, even at odd hours.

Report these to the police and call 112. Or share your concerns with your neighborhood officer. You can also report anonymously through Meld Misdaad Anoniem at 0800-7000.

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Source last updated: 26 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 26 February 2025
Source: Politie