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Source published: 17 February 2025

Six Arrests in Investigation into Drug Trafficking

Gebied: Bergen op Zoom/Roosendaal/Hoogerheide/Halsteren

The police arrested six suspects in an investigation into the trade of soft and hard drugs. The arrests took place on Tuesday, February 11, in Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal, and on Monday, February 17, in Hoogerheide and Halsteren.

Investigation Following Anonymous Tip
The investigation was initiated following an anonymous tip regarding possible drug trafficking. This led to several searches and arrests.

Arrests on February 11
On Tuesday, February 11, around 11:00 AM, a 25-year-old woman from Roosendaal was arrested on Jan Vermeerlaan in Roosendaal. At the same time, an operation took place on Aert van der Neerstraat in Bergen op Zoom. Here, the police arrested a 22-year-old man from Hoogerheide in a shed behind the house. The police found various types of drugs, including ketamine, cocaine, amphetamine, ecstasy, and MDMA. These drugs have been seized and will be destroyed. In the house, a 42-year-old woman and a 20-year-old man from Bergen op Zoom were also arrested.

Arrests on February 17
On Monday, February 17, the police carried out raids at two locations around 06:00 AM: Semmelweisstraat in Hoogerheide and Halsterseweg in Halsteren. A 21-year-old man from Halsteren and a 20-year-old man from Hoogerheide were arrested.

Seizure and Ongoing Investigation
During the actions, the police seized various goods, including a car, cash, and phones. The investigation into the precise role of the suspects is still ongoing.

Collaboration with Citizens and Businesses
Reports and tips from citizens are indispensable in combating crime. This information can be the start of an investigation or the missing piece of the puzzle that solves a case. It is often the case that we can arrest criminals thanks to reports from vigilant citizens or businesses.

How Can You Report?
Do you hear or see suspicious activities in your area? Do you suspect criminal activities? We would like to hear from you. Below are examples of suspicious activities. Always report disturbances via 0900 - 8844 or contact your local officer. You can also report anonymously. Then call 0800 - 7000 or go to meldmisdaadanoniem.nl. If you, as a property owner, have been approached by criminals, always report this immediately, as you are also at risk.

Examples of Suspicious Activities:

  • Vans without logos at odd times
  • Boarded-up windows
  • A distinct chemical smell

If you see such activities in your area, always report them to the police.

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Source last updated: 17 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 17 February 2025
Source: Politie