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Kabinet kan door met terugdringen geluidshinder Schiphol na besluit Europese Commissie
Source published: 5 March 2025

Cabinet can proceed with reducing noise pollution at Schiphol after European Commission decision

The European Commission issued its decision on Wednesday regarding the procedure the cabinet follows to reduce noise pollution around Schiphol. Brussels concludes that the Netherlands has adhered to the procedure, except for a few points.

The ministry thanks the Commission for its decision. This allows the cabinet to proceed with its plans to reduce noise pollution around Schiphol and restore the legal position of local residents. It also provides the necessary clarity for the aviation sector.

The Commission asks the Netherlands to pay attention to the following points: how General Aviation contributes to reducing noise, the effect of autonomous developments at Schiphol, and the operational measures that have been considered.

Next Steps

The ministry will incorporate the above points into the Dutch response to the decision, as the procedure prescribes. Once the response is sent, this balanced approach procedure will be officially completed. The points of concern from the Commission will also be taken into account when amending the LVB.

The package of measures will then be implemented by November 2025. For this, the ministry is working on a limited amendment to the Airport Traffic Decision. This will set the new maximum number of flight movements at 478,000 for the 24-hour period, of which 27,000 will be for the night.

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Source last updated: 6 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 6 March 2025
Source: Infrastructuur en Waterstaat