The reason why a now 22-year-old woman stabbed her grandmother on the night of March 22, 2024, is unknown to her. However, she is aware of what she did. I stabbed grandma, she reported to the operator at emergency number 112. The 80-year-old grandmother succumbed to her injuries in the ambulance while being transported to the hospital.
The woman stated to the police that she panicked after her grandmother caught her with an unknown man. She feared the consequences. She was ashamed and afraid it would cause a scandal, she told the police. She further stated that she does not remember well what exactly happened afterward. She does not know how she took the knife.
Deliberately Killed
While she was on the phone with the police, she saw her grandmother, who was sitting upright in bed, fall to the right. An autopsy on the grandmothers body revealed that she had been stabbed twelve times, five of which were fatal.
According to the Public Prosecution Service, the granddaughter deliberately killed her grandmother. “The physical actions of repeatedly stabbing the upper body with a knife were solely aimed at causing death,” said the public prosecutor today in court. The prosecution believes that there was no premeditated intent and therefore no murder.
Afraid of the Consequences
In determining the severity of the sentence, the public prosecutor took into account the personal circumstances of the young woman. The prosecutor: “It is not often that in a criminal case, when assessing the seriousness of the act, the defendant experiences the same pain as the relatives, because the defendant is part of this family. The defendant has also lost her beloved grandmother, with whom she felt so comfortable and wanted to be close to. Her pain extends not only to the loss of her grandmother but also to the realization that she is responsible for this great sorrow and loss.”
According to the public prosecutor, it is clear that her act was the result of an enormous panic reaction. She would have been extremely fearful of the consequences if this had come to her familys attention. In addition to this pressure, the young age of the woman also plays a role in the severity of the sentence.
The court will make its ruling in two weeks.