The Municipality of Utrecht will again collaborate with the Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden (HDSR) in 2025 to further green and make the city climate-resilient. This year, eight new projects will be initiated, including a project in Overvecht where twelve schoolyards will be greened.
Alderman Susanne Schilderman (Public Space): “We want to prepare Utrecht for the future and make it climate-resilient. A green city is a cool city and also more beautiful. Moreover, a city with lots of greenery can better handle extreme rain showers. Thanks to HDSRs contribution, we can take important steps to make our city greener again. These projects contribute to improving water quality, strengthening biodiversity, and adapting the city to the effects of climate change, such as extreme heat, drought, and heavy rainfall.”
Eight New Projects
Thanks to a contribution of €311,000 through the Impulse Regulation Water in the Living Environment, Utrecht can realize eight new projects in 2025. They include the creation of nature-friendly banks at Nedereindse Plas, greening public spaces and playgrounds in Overvecht, and disconnecting rainwater from the sewer and water storage in various parks and neighborhoods, such as Park de Watertoren and Zandpad.
In previous years, the Municipality of Utrecht, with a contribution from the impulse regulation, realized a unique water-buffering sports field at Sportpark Fletiomare-Oost. This field captures rainwater, drains it in a controlled manner, and ensures an environment that is about 10 degrees cooler. In 2024, several swales were constructed along Fortlaan to better capture rainwater, residents at Carnegiedreef got greener courtyards, and Lunettenpark gained a nature-friendly bank.
A Joint Effort for Healthy Water
HDSR and the Municipality of Utrecht have long collaborated on water management in the city. One of the initiatives is the new Healthy Water program. This program focuses on improving ecological water quality, allowing both plants and animals to thrive. Hoogheemraad Els Otterman: “With these measures, Utrecht gives more space to water and nature. This makes the city more future-proof; better resistant to downpours and drought. The water board is happy to contribute to this.”
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