No acceptable offer has been received for the Waste Energy Company (AEB). For the next 10 years, the waste processor will therefore remain in municipal hands, and we will work together towards a strong future.
We started the sale process of AEB last year. The reason? Owning a large company in this sector carries financial risks, and is not necessary for waste processing, energy generation, and heating supply. Therefore, we wanted to explore whether an experienced market party could take over AEB. There was interest, but the offered price and terms unfortunately did not meet our requirements.
Why not sell more?
Important matters such as waste processing and energy supply must be well organized, and the municipalitys money must be spent wisely. That is why we do not sell AEB just like that. Because there was no good offer, the company remains in the hands of the municipality. Both the municipality and AEB stand behind this choice. In the coming years, AEB will further develop and operate more sustainably.
What changes for you?
For residents of Amsterdam, nothing changes: AEB will continue to process waste and convert it into energy and heat for tens of thousands of households and businesses, especially in Nieuw-West and Noord.