In Almere Haven, the first secure wildlife crossing in Flevoland has been established. This crossing is located in ecozone De Steiger and connects Almere Hout and the Vroege Vogelbos.
Just as the districts in Almere are connected by drives, roads, and bike paths, it is important to create green paths that connect the Almere nature areas. These ecological zones allow animals to move from one nature area to another, providing them with a varied habitat with more food and shelter, and increasing their chances of finding suitable mates during the breeding season.
One of those zones is ecozone De Steiger, which connects the Vroege Vogelbos with Almeerder Hout. This green path is intersected by the Steigerdreef and a bus lane. To make these crossings safer for both humans and animals, the municipality of Almere has created electronically secured crossings here.
The animals are guided to the crossing by fences. If the system detects an animal on the roadside, traffic is warned with a flashing sign that an animal may cross. This aims to reduce the number of accidents involving wildlife and ensure that animals can cross safely. Additionally, drivers are made aware that they are passing through an ecological zone, and the municipality can monitor how many and which species of animals use the crossing via the system.
The realization of this project is part of the Almere 2.0 program in which the government, province of Flevoland, and the municipality of Almere jointly invest in the growth of Almere.