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Police Force
Twee aanhoudingen na vechtpartij en steekincident
Source published: 22 February 2025

Two Arrests After Fight and Stabbing Incident

Gebied: Groningen

Around 02:20 AM, the police received a report of a fight between several people on Oude Ebbingestraat in Groningen. It soon became clear that there had also been stabbings during the incident. The police were able to arrest two suspects on Oude Ebbingestraat shortly thereafter. These are a 19-year-old man from Groningen and an 18-year-old man from Lelystad.

In the stabbing incident, three people were injured. Two men, a 23-year-old man from Groningen and a 42-year-old man without a fixed residence in the Netherlands, had to go to the hospital for treatment and were transported by ambulance. The third victim, a 24-year-old man from Groningen, did not need hospital treatment.


The police have launched an investigation into the circumstances and background of the incident. They spoke on-site with those involved and witnesses. Specialists from the Forensic Investigation have conducted a trace investigation on Oude Ebbingestraat. Neighborhood inquiries are being conducted and the police are reviewing CCTV footage from the area.

Witnesses Wanted

The detective would like to get in touch with witnesses of this stabbing incident or anyone who has information that is important for the investigation. If you have footage from the period before, during, or after the incident, such as from security cameras, video doorbells, or dashcams in nearby parked vehicles, please contact the police. If you prefer to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 0800-7000.

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Source last updated: 22 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 22 February 2025
Source: Politie