Over 75 children from grades 7 and 8 of primary school will be Members of Parliament for one day on Friday, March 7. They will visit the parliament in The Hague for a unique experience. In the morning, they will participate in a debate under the guidance of members of the Senate and House of Representatives. In the afternoon, they will receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the House of Representatives building.
The students have followed the Third Chamber education program in class, a joint initiative of the Senate and House of Representatives in collaboration with ProDemos, the House for democracy and rule of law. Part of this package is a competition through which students can win a day in parliament. The children come from three schools across the Netherlands: group 7 from Eerste van der Huchtschool in Soest, year 8 from Eendragt in Zevenhuizen Zuidplas, and groups 7 and 8 from Kindcentrum Lourdes in Westbeemster. The three schools were drawn from all entries.
Politicians of the Future
“The Senate looks forward to welcoming primary school students again this year who are Members of Parliament for a day, said Senate President Jan Anthonie Bruijn. It is educational to hear which themes occupy children, and we are delighted to see the politicians of the future at work! I attach great importance to increasing knowledge about Dutch democracy. It is good that with the Third Chamber we can bring the theme of democracy closer to the childrens experience.
Anniversary Debate
The students will be divided into three factions; the green, the blue, and the pink faction. Under the guidance of Senate members Peter Schalk, Fatimazhra Belhirch, Koen Petersen, Mary Fiers, Robbert Lievense, and Andrea van Langen-Visbeek, House of Representatives member Queeny Rajkowski, and civil service staff, they will first prepare statements in the factions, followed by a debate led by Senate President Jan Anthonie Bruijn. This year marks the twentieth time this final debate is organized.
Third Chamber
The competition Member of Parliament for a Day is part of the Third Chamber education program, a joint initiative of the Senate and House of Representatives in collaboration with ProDemos, the House for democracy and rule of law. The Third Chamber program consists of a free education package for grades 7 and 8 of primary school. With the Third Chamber, students discover everything about Prinsjesdag, how elections work, what a democracy is, and what the parliament actually does.