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Wetsvoorstel niet-indexeren maximum uurprijzen kinderopvang naar Tweede Kamer
Source published: 15 January 2025

Bill to Not Index Maximum Hourly Rates for Childcare to the House of Representatives

State Secretary Nobel (Participation and Integration) has submitted the bill not to index the maximum hourly rates to the House of Representatives. The bill allows for the maximum hourly rates within the childcare allowance to not be indexed in 2026.

The maximum hourly rate is the highest amount for which working parents receive childcare allowance. Not indexing it in 2026 is part of the framework agreement to improve government finances. This results in annual savings of € 254 million. The cabinet considers this appropriate, as significant investments have recently been made in the childcare allowance.

In 2024, the maximum hourly rates were increased by more than € 500 million, and most parents will receive a higher childcare allowance this year, reducing their costs. The cabinet is investing a total of € 2.9 billion in a higher reimbursement for childcare as part of a new funding system. This will lead to more affordable childcare for working parents.

For many households, childcare costs are expected to decrease, even if the maximum hourly rate remains unchanged in 2026. This is because they will receive a larger share of childcare costs reimbursed in the coming years, aligning with the new funding system. In this system, a reimbursement of 96% of the maximum hourly rate will apply to everyone.

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Source last updated: 15 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 15 January 2025
Source: Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid