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Source published: 5 February 2025

The tax assessment is coming again

Everyone uses municipal facilities every day. Think of the street, the sewer, public lighting, or waste collection. This is paid for, among other things, from municipal taxes. With that income, we also invest in education, playgrounds, culture, and sports. Every year you receive a combined tax assessment. You will receive it between February 9 and 21.

The municipal council determines every year how much you pay in municipal taxes. Because the costs for the municipality are rising, most municipal taxes are also increasing. For all information and rates, check Municipal Taxes.

Difficulty paying

  • You can pay your assessment in 8 installments. Or you may qualify for a payment plan. On amsterdam.nl you will find all payment options for your tax assessment.
  • If you have little income and savings, you can apply for exemption. Then you may not have to pay some taxes on your combined assessment. You can apply for exemption via My Taxes. Check all conditions at Exemption.

Increase in OZB

The rate for Property Tax (OZB) for homeowners and owners and users of commercial properties will increase by 27.5 percent this year. We understand that this is a significant increase. This is because OZB rates in Amsterdam are lower than in other major cities. The coalition agreement has stipulated to raise the OZB to absorb financial shortfalls.

Waste tax remains the same

The rate for the waste tax will not increase. This was also agreed in the coalition agreement. The rate remains € 352 for an address where 1 person is registered, and € 469 for an address with multiple persons.

WOZ value

The sales figures of comparable houses in your area determine the height of the WOZ value of your home. When determining the value, we start from the value on January 1 of the previous year.

Valuation report

In the valuation report, you can see how the WOZ value has been determined. You can find this report in My Taxes. At the WOZ Value Portal you can compare the WOZ value of your home for free with other homes in your street, district, or city.

Easily file an objection

If you disagree with an amount on the assessment? Or with your WOZ value? Then you can file an objection yourself, even if you are an entrepreneur. You do not need to hire an agency for this.

You can file an objection safely and fastest via My Taxes. You can log in with DigiD or eHerkenning. Do this within 6 weeks after the date on the assessment notice.

Help and advice

You can contact the Neighborhood Team or Social Desk with all your questions about the municipalitys financial arrangements. And for help filling out your exemption application.

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Source last updated: 5 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 5 February 2025
Source: Gemeente Amsterdam