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National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands
                  Bijzonder moment bij de IND: Winnende tekening tot leven gebracht
Source published: 16 January 2025

Special Moment at the IND: Winning Drawing Brought to Life

The IND proudly announces that the winning drawing from the recent drawing competition has been turned into an artwork! Inspired by the creative design of a talented student Brayden Oleana from San Bernardo school, street artist Marz created a piece on the outside floor at the IND building. The result is beautiful and reflects the creativity and involvement of the students.

The festive unveiling took place on January 15. Two classes, totaling 41 enthusiastic students, visited the IND. During their visit, they received a tour, learned more about the INDs work, and enjoyed a snack and drink. The highlight of the afternoon was the unveiling of the floor drawing – a special moment.

The IND thanks all those involved for their dedication and creativity. This artwork, based on the winning drawing, symbolizes the value of cooperation and creativity.

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Source last updated: 16 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 17 January 2025
Source: Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland