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Municipality of Breda
Bushalte bij het Amphia ziekenhuis is rookvrij, duizenden andere Brabantse haltes volgen snel
Source published: 31 January 2025

Bus Stop at Amphia Hospital is Smoke-Free, Thousands of Other Brabant Stops to Follow Soon

The bus stop at the Amphia Hospital in Breda has been smoke-free since Thursday, January 30, 2025. Provincial executive Stijn Smeulders and alderman Arjen van Drunen placed a tile from the Smoke-Free Generation, asking travelers not to smoke or vape at the stop and on the surrounding area.

Similar tiles will be placed at thousands of stops in the province over the coming months. The initiative is supported by KWF Cancer Control, Lung Fund, Heart Foundation, the three Brabant GGDs, and the pediatricians of the Amphia Hospital.

Cleaner Air at Brabant Bus Stops

“We want every Brabander to grow up in a healthy environment,” says provincial executive Stijn Smeulders (mobility). “All our buses running on fossil fuels are being gradually replaced by buses without harmful emissions. In that context, making the bus stops smoke-free is a logical next step. So that children and young people on their way home, to school, or to the hospital are not confronted with the temptations of a cigarette or the bad example of a smoking adult. Every opportunity we get as a province to discourage smoking, we must seize with both hands.”

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Source last updated: 31 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 31 January 2025
Source: Gemeente Breda