The impetus for the amendment to the Ri2021 comes from signals from municipalities and DUO. Integrators must comply with the integration obligation within 3 years. In practice, there are delaying circumstances. For various reasons, the causes are not attributable to the integrators.
Lack of Childcare
Due to the national shortage of childcare places, integrators cannot always participate in integration lessons. This causes delays. In practice, it is especially female status holders who suffer from this.
Combination of Work and Integration
Additionally, there are integrators who have paid work and find it difficult to combine it with integration. To remove this barrier, the proposal is to allow extensions for integrators who work at least 32 hours a week for a minimum of 6 consecutive months during the integration period.
Early Start
There will also be an extension ground for asylum status holders who already start the integration process in a COA reception location (the so-called early start). In a reception center, the facilities and circumstances for integration are less favorable than housing in a municipality. This can lead to status holders needing more time for their integration. The Ministry of JenV hopes that this amendment to the Regulation will encourage municipalities to engage with the early start, one of the ambitions from the Wi2021.
Effective Dates of Amendments
A total of 7 adjustments to the Regulation have been proposed, including tightening existing grounds for extension.
The internet consultation is open until April 6. After closing, the amendment will be submitted to the responsible Secretary of State for Justice and Security for approval and signature. Publication in the Official Gazette will follow. The aim is to have the amended Regulation legally in effect by May 1.
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