Vigilant Store Employee
The digital crime team in Gelderland-Midden tracked down the men thanks to a report that came in from the local officer. A vigilant store employee noticed that a man was buying prepaid SIM cards multiple times with cash. Prepaid SIM cards are not registered in a name and are therefore harder to trace back to the person using them. The vigilant store employee reported this to the local officer, which was then forwarded to the digital crime team. The report from the store employee proved crucial for the investigation.
Method of the Suspects
The suspects searched for phone numbers of victims through Marktplaats ads. They approached the victims via Whatsapp and indicated that they wanted to buy the product that the victims were offering on Marktplaats. After the initial contact was made, the suspects stated that they would like the product delivered to their home via a regular delivery service. To arrange this, the suspects sent a so-called delivery and payment link. However, this link turned out to be a phishing link through which they scammed the victims out of hundreds to thousands of euros.
In total, the suspects have allegedly stolen around 40,000 euros over two years. The investigation is still ongoing, and the expectation is that this amount will increase. Dozens of people from across the country have fallen victim.
Victims Account
One of the victims, a 61-year-old woman, reports that she had listed a cabinet on Marktplaats. She had been in contact via Whatsapp with a so-called potential buyer for a while. The buyer had a profile picture that looked realistic, and the delivery service from which the buyer sent a link had a trustworthy name. But after I clicked the link and filled in my details, the contact was broken, the woman recounts.
That night, things went wrong. When I woke up, I saw that dozens of transactions had taken place. My money had been siphoned from my savings account to my current account and then abroad, says the victim. I was in shock and couldnt understand how people could do something like this. And I felt so cheated: I offered a cabinet, had normal chat contact, and suddenly my savings were gone, she recounts.
Immediately that same morning, the woman filed a report. The investigation was quickly initiated, and I am glad that the suspects have now been arrested. The team leader of the investigation adds: I urge people to file a report (internet) if they are victims of digital crime. It happens that we find data carriers during arrests that we can link to previous reports. These cases can then still be solved, says the team leader.
The mental impact on the victim is lasting. I suddenly saw my way of life collapse, as I had just bought a new house. Overall, I have become more distrustful. I no longer know what is real and what is not, she states.
By using new prepaid SIM cards each time, the suspects thought they could not be traced by the police. However, the digital crime team managed to track them down after two months of investigation.
Last Wednesday, the police arrested the suspects during raids in homes in Ede and Apeldoorn. Data carriers and a car were seized for further investigation. The suspects are currently in custody. Their roles and involvement in the fraud are being investigated. More arrests are not ruled out.
What is Phishing?
Phishing, fishing for someones details, is a form of digital fraud. Phishing occurs via email, WhatsApp, and SMS. Victims are lured to a false website where they then provide their banking or other login details.
What Can You Do to Prevent Phishing?
- Never respond to emails or messages asking for personal login codes or PINs. Banks, credit card companies, and online shops never ask for this. If you receive such an email, delete it immediately. Never click on a link in the email.
- Receive payment requests from strangers? Do not click on them.
- Do not send your bank card. Your bank will never ask for this. If you receive a new card, the bank will always ask you to cut your old card and throw it away.
- Never send a copy of your ID. Criminals can use your BSN number to apply for a bank card.
- Never give out personal information over the phone.
- If you want to make a payment request, log in to your own banking app or the website of your bank and make the payment there. Also, inform the buyer that you are paying this way. Often, the fraudster will back off and take no further action.
- If you do not completely trust a link, check it via the website
- Ensure that passwords are secure and change them regularly. Make sure your computer has the latest software and security updates.
If You Have Clicked a Link
- If you opened an attachment and do not trust it afterward, have your computer, tablet, or smartphone checked for malicious software. After that, it is best to change your passwords. Wait with internet banking until you are sure your computer is clean again. For safety, contact your bank and explain the situation.
- If you clicked a link to a (fake) payment environment and entered your login details there, contact your bank as soon as possible!
If you only clicked the link but did not fill in any account details because you did not trust it anyway, then there is basically nothing wrong. But remain alert.
Reporting Phishing and Internet Fraud
The following forms can be used to contact the police or report a crime anonymously.
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