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Onderzoek naar explosie Neercanneplaats; politie zoekt getuigen
Source published: 24 February 2025

Investigation into explosion Neercanneplaats; police seeks witnesses

Gebied: Rotterdam

Early Monday morning, an explosive went off at the front door of an apartment building on Neercanneplaats. After the explosion, a fire broke out in the house, which was extinguished by the fire department. No one was injured.

At around 4:30 AM, residents heard a loud bang. There was a lot of smoke coming from a house on Neercanneplaats. When the first responders arrived, flames were coming from the house.  After the fire department extinguished and ventilated the house, the police could begin their investigation. It turned out that an explosion had occurred. The residents were not home at the time of the explosion, and no one was injured. The ambulance checked a number of nearby residents due to the smoke, but no one had to go to the hospital.

Previous incidents
The same apartment building on Neercanneplaats was shot at on November 4. After that, a house in the building was administratively closed. Nevertheless, an explosion occurred on November 23. The windows of the apartment building and a neighboring house were shattered. A vehicle was also damaged.

Suspicious situation
Earlier that night, around 12:20 AM, a report was made to 112 regarding a suspicious person on Neercanneplaats. A man was reportedly walking through the neighborhood and behaving suspiciously. Officers extensively searched the area but did not see anyone matching the description given by the caller.

Witnesses sought
The police are looking for footage where the suspect can be seen for the investigation. If you have footage of Neercanneplaats or the surrounding area around 4:30 AM on Monday morning showing suspicious persons, the police would like to get in touch with you. Footage of the person who was behaving suspiciously around 12:20 AM is also welcome. If you have information that may be relevant to the investigation, please contact 0900-8844 or via the tip form below.

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Source last updated: 24 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 24 February 2025
Source: Politie