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Voorstel Wet bestrijden energieleveringscrisis in consultatie
Source published: 26 February 2025

Proposal Law to Combat Energy Supply Crisis in Consultation

Although the demand for natural gas is decreasing, gas still plays a crucial role in the Dutch energy supply. The Netherlands has a well-functioning gas system and has safeguards to absorb sudden disruptions. In the event of a serious disruption, additional government intervention may be necessary. With the proposal for the Law to Combat Energy Supply Crisis (wbe), the cabinet aims to improve the resilience of the gas system and establish a clear framework for how the government can intervene if necessary. The bill is open for consultation starting today.

The European internal gas market is strongly interconnected. At the European level, regulations on gas supply security have been established on how member states can ensure the resilience of their gas systems and how they respond to a (threatening) gas crisis. With this legislative proposal, the Netherlands fulfills these agreements and improves their implementation. Primarily by strengthening the functioning of the gas system under normal circumstances. Examples include measures for filling gas storage facilities and clarifying the responsibility of suppliers to ensure delivery to their end-users, even under more extreme circumstances (such as a period of extreme cold). This is accomplished through amendments to the Energy Act and the Mining Act. Additionally, the proposal provides for powers to take quick and effective measures during times of a (threatening) energy crisis. This particularly involves measures from the Protection and Recovery Plan for Gas. This is done in the Law to Combat Energy Supply Crisis.

The legislative proposal has been in preparation for some time and is separate from current developments in the gas market. The law is expected to come into force on January 1, 2027.

Responses to the legislative proposal can be submitted until March 26, 2025, via www.internetconsultatie.nl/wbe.

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Source last updated: 26 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 26 February 2025
Source: Klimaat en Groene Groei