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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Call open: onderzoek voor het verkrijgen van kennis over de ecologische effecten van windparken op zee
Source published: 6 March 2025

Call Open: Research to Gain Knowledge on the Ecological Effects of Offshore Wind Farms

The number of offshore wind farms is expected to increase in the coming decades, but it is important to be aware of the ecological effects these wind farms may have. For example, do wind farms attract or repel birds and bats? What are the collision risks? What are the effects of wind farms underwater? The NWA program Knowledge Development on the Ecological Effects of Offshore Wind Farms focuses on the relationship between offshore wind farms and processes both above and underwater. Would you like to contribute to this? Submit your Expression of Interest for the Sandpit, which will take place from September 8 to 12, 2025.

Objective of the Call

The objective of this Call is to contribute to the development of knowledge about the effects of wind farms on ecological systems in the North Sea. This applies to effects both underwater and above water. The program aims to bring innovative and deeper understanding of essential and driving processes. It adds new perspectives and examines assumptions made so far.

View the Call for proposals

Register for the Sandpit

In this Call, NWO stimulates consortium formation by using a Sandpit. During the Sandpit, a scientific and practice-oriented research proposal on the theme Knowledge Development on Ecological Effects of Offshore Wind Farms will be jointly developed. The consortium works in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner and is composed across the entire knowledge chain. The Sandpit takes place from September 8 to 12, 2025. The location will be shared with participants at a later date. During this week, all participants will stay (and overnight) at this location. The working language is Dutch.

Social parties can participate in the Sandpit during a specific time slot. During this time slot, they can share their ideas, required knowledge, and available expertise.

To participate in the Sandpit, you must submit an Expression of Interest via ISAAC before Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 14:00:00 CEST. Participants will be informed about participation in the Sandpit after the end of June-beginning of July 2025. Register for the Sandpit via the call page.

Application Procedure Phases

  • Phase 1: Submit Expression of Interest for Sandpit participation (March 6 to May 6, 2025). You can find the Expression of Interest form on the call page. Submit it via ISAAC before May 6, 2025, 14:00:00 CEST.
  • Phase 2: Sandpit participation selection (May 6 to the end of June 2025). Based on the Expression of Interest (submission deadline May 6, 2025); evaluation by the assessment committee.
  • Phase 3: Sandpit (September 8-12, 2025). Multi-day workshop to form a consortium and develop a (draft) research application.
  • Phase 4: Elaborated grant application (submission deadline December 11, 2025). Develop the application produced during the Sandpit; evaluation by the assessment committee.


A maximum of €5,200,000 is available for this Call for proposals, and a maximum of one application will be awarded. Within the application, the budget is divided over two work packages (above water and underwater) of up to €4,400,000 and an overarching work package of at least €800,000. The maximum project duration is six years.

Information Session

On Thursday, March 27 from 16:00 to 17:00, NWO will organize an information session. During this session, more information will be provided about the Call for proposals and the application procedure. There is also room for questions. Follow the session via the link below. The information session will be held in Dutch.

Information Session
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Source last updated: 6 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 8 March 2025
Source: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek