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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Call open: Waterstof en groene elektronen voor speciale en fijnchemicaliën
Source published: 4 February 2025

Call Open: Hydrogen and Green Electrons for Speciality and Fine Chemicals

NWO and the National Growth Fund foundation GroenvermogenNL are making €19.3 million available for the sustainability of the synthesis of specialty and fine chemicals. This can make a significant contribution to the sustainability of the Dutch chemical industry.

Specialty and fine chemicals are an important part of the chemical, material, agro, and pharmaceutical industries. The current production processes of specialty and fine chemicals are based on fossil resources. In addition, they consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of waste. Therefore, making these processes sustainable is important on several fronts. By using hydrogen and green electrons, synthesis routes can be made shorter and cleaner, for example via electrochemical reactions or photo/redox catalysis where thermodynamically upward reactions become possible. 

About this call

This call was developed in collaboration with the GroenvermogenNL foundation and follows from R&D line 6. To achieve a successful implementation of this call, collaboration is required between different chemical disciplines and between researchers and companies. During two workshops, a consortium is formed that submits a single application together. Registration for these workshops is done via the electronic submission system ISAAC. 

Only one application form per organization can be submitted for the workshops. Universities, colleges, and TO2 institutions can send two delegates to the workshop, while other organizations such as companies can only send one. Therefore, discuss well with your colleagues who will attend the workshop.


The subsidy ceiling for this call for proposals is over €19.3 million. NWO finances up to 80% of the total project size. Therefore, private co-financiers must be involved in the consortium. Private co-financiers are ideally also present at the workshops for consortium formation. Only one application is granted. See all conditions in the call for proposals. 


February 13, 2025 - Information session about this call by the GroenvermogenNL foundation. Register via the GroenvermogenNL website(external link). This session is not mandatory.

March 13, 2025 - Deadline for registration for preparatory workshops. Participation in the two workshops is mandatory for the main applicant and the technical manager of the consortium. 

April 7-9, 2025 – First preparatory workshop.

May 12-14, 2025 – Second preparatory workshop.

July 10, 2025 – Deadline for submitting the full application.

About the National Growth Fund Program GroenvermogenNL

The National Growth Fund Program GroenvermogenNL is the investment program for green capacity for the Dutch economy and society. Through this program, green hydrogen should be the driving force for the transition from a fossil-based society and industry to sustainable energy provision. This will allow the Netherlands to build a new industry and an attractive business climate. To make this transition possible, well-trained people and a strong structure of knowledge sharing are necessary. The investment program runs until 2028.

Programs for the National Growth Fund

NWO implements thematic programs for research, knowledge development, and innovation that are funded from the National Growth Fund. The results of these programs are applicable in innovations and organizations, thereby contributing to the sustainable earning capacity and broad prosperity of the Netherlands. In these programs, parties from the entire knowledge chain work together, both public and private. 

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Source last updated: 4 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 4 February 2025
Source: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek