The Education Implementation Service (DUO) will visit the Caribbean from March 10 to April 11, 2025. During this visit, temporary service offices will be opened. DUO will also organize information sessions about student financing, focusing on how students can better prepare for their studies in the Netherlands with the citizen service number (BSN) they receive.
When students apply for student financing, they automatically receive a BSN since April 1, 2024. With this, students can already arrange a DigiD before leaving for the Netherlands, allowing them to log into Dutch government websites. This way, students can, among other things, check the amount of their student financing in Mijn DUO. They can also make an appointment for registration in the municipality where they will live with some municipalities. Additionally, it is also possible to open a bank account online with some banks. We have noticed that Caribbean students come to the Netherlands better prepared since they receive a BSN, says Monique Hoogerwerf, coordinator for the Caribbean region at DUO. It is nice to see that they can make a better start because of this.
Information Sessions
DUO will again be present on all Caribbean islands from March 10 to April 11 to provide information about studying in the Netherlands. In addition to information about student financing and the BSN, incoming students and their parents will also hear everything about the practical matters they need to arrange.
Temporary Service Offices
DUO will also open temporary service offices on each of these islands, where students can go with questions about their student financing or other study matters. Former students can also get information about repaying their student debt here.
A Year-Long Service Office in Curaçao
For Curaçao, something else is planned; DUO will open a service office this spring for a trial period of one year. This office provides extra support for incoming students and people with student debt, to be able to assist them personally throughout the year. The staff will also provide information sessions at schools.
More information about the information sessions and temporary service offices can be found at