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Statistics Netherlands | CBS
CBS lanceert overzichtspagina met alle cijfers over armoede en schulden
Source published: 29 January 2025

CBS Launches Overview Page with All Data on Poverty and Debt

On December 17, CBS launched an overview page with data on poverty and debt. Previously, users had to navigate through the CBS website, but now they can view all important data at a glance. ‘We have gathered and made the information more accessible’, says Kai Gidding from CBS. This was done in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) and several municipalities.

Poverty Line

In the CBS Multi-Year Program 2024-2028, poverty is a key focus. Recent data show that 540 thousand people live below the poverty line. 1.2 million others are vulnerable. This is an important topic for the Ministry of SZW and municipalities seeking solutions for people facing poverty and debt.

More Detailed Information

Kai Gidding, program manager, explains that the new page includes indicators, dashboards, and tables on poverty and debt in the Netherlands, including data per municipality. There are also external links to data from the Association of Netherlands Municipalities. ‘We worked with the Ministry of SZW and several municipalities to develop this page’, Gidding states. He is pleased that this information is now available for municipalities, which often need more details than ministries.

Design Sprints

Darren den Boer from CBS shares that there was a strong desire to make the information more accessible. During design sprints, involved parties, including municipalities, were brought together to find the best solution. It turns out that policy officials often search for CBS information via Google but are unsure if they have all the data. A complete overview has been available since December 17, 2024. Municipalities can compare their data with similar municipalities.

Culture and Sports

Sara Vlemmings, policy advisor in Vught, works to involve people facing poverty in society, for example by providing opportunities in culture and sports. Despite Vught being relatively prosperous, 1300 households live below 130 percent of the social assistance norm. Some receive support to participate in cultural activities.

Practical Experiences

Vlemmings regularly uses CBS data for policy decisions. She provided feedback during the CBS design sprints on the new page. ‘The result is clear, and CBS’s efforts make the data more accessible,’ she states.


Yvonne Buit from the Ministry of SZW focuses on monitoring and works extensively with CBS data. She is also positive about the design sprints and the process to clarify information on poverty and debt. ‘We want regular updates and more years in the graphs,’ Buit adds.
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Source last updated: 29 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 29 January 2025
Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek