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National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands
                  CBS: Start Nationale Rekeningen enquête Caribisch Nederland 2023
Source published: 20 February 2025

CBS: Start National Accounts Survey Caribbean Netherlands 2023

In the coming months, the annual survey among companies will be conducted on the islands of the Caribbean Netherlands for the reporting year 2023. The aim of the survey is to map the economic development on the three islands. A part of this survey is the National Accounts survey. For this purpose, companies on Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba will be approached by CBS to fill out a survey. The results of the survey will be published in the last quarter of 2025.

Some results from the National Accounts survey 2022 on Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba:

  • The economy of Bonaire and Saba grew by 8.8 and 1.5 percent respectively in 2022. On Sint Eustatius, the economy shrank by 11.0 percent.
  • Due to the end of all COVID-19 measures on Bonaire at the beginning of 2022, incoming air tourism increased from 111 thousand tourists in 2021 to 173 thousand tourists in 2022. This resulted in a more than 45 percent increase in the added value of both the hospitality and recreation sectors.
  • The economic decline of 11.0 percent on Sint Eustatius was caused by a decrease in the revenue of some large companies that are heavily dependent on the international oil market.
  • On Saba, the public administration made the largest positive contribution to economic growth. The added value of this sector increased because 7 percent more jobs were created in 2022.
  • On Bonaire, the financial services sector shrank the most of all sectors (-9.6 percent). This is in line with the job development in this sector in 2022.

To ensure that this very important survey for the islands proceeds smoothly, CBS requests the cooperation of businesses. CBS is legally obliged to treat all collected data confidentially. For questions, information, or assistance in filling out the survey, contact the CBS office on Bonaire.

CBS Caribbean Netherlands
Bulevar Gobernador N. Debrot 67, unit 9
Kralendijk Bonaire
Phone: +599 717 8676
Email: economie.cn@cbs.nl

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Source last updated: 20 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 20 February 2025
Source: Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland