Eppo Bruins, Minister of Education, Culture and Science: “Culture is something for all of us. We make agreements with various authorities about cultural policy and priorities. Talent development plays an important role in this, especially for creative makers. This helps build a vibrant cultural sector.”
In the cultural agreements, the Ministry of OCW and local authorities set joint priorities for culture. This strengthens the cultural sector throughout the country. Subsidies for multi-year supported institutions are established, along with agreements on cultural codes, fair compensation for creators, and talent development. Specific agreements are made to meet the needs of individual regions. The 9 agreements provide a solid foundation for cooperation in the cultural sector over the next 4 years. These agreements support regional talent networks such as Muziekhub NOORD in We The North and PLAN Brabant in BrabantStad.
The 9 cultural agreements were signed on January 17, 2025, during ESNS, an annual music festival and conference in Groningen, where European and Dutch musical talent is highlighted and where music professionals gather to explore new developments in the music industry.