The Committee for Justice and Security will debate on Wednesday, February 5, about asylum and migration. Various topics are on the agenda, such as the situation in the asylum chain and the status of Ukrainian displaced persons. You can follow the debate live from 10:00 AM. There is live subtitling.
Minister Marjolein Faber will attend the debate at the House of Representatives. She has written several letters to the House in December and January regarding asylum and migration. For instance, in mid-January, there was a letter about the inspection report describing the condition at the reception in Ter Apel. It also discusses the establishment of a task force from various ministries to curb irregular migration and promote return and reception in the region.
Follow live and read more
- You can follow the debate from 10:00 AM via the livestream and the Debat Direct app. The debate will be live subtitled.
- Read all related documents.