The House of Representatives will debate on Thursday, February 20 about the developments surrounding nitrogen and the plans to address the nitrogen crisis. Follow the plenary debate from 3:00 PM via the livestream and the Debat Direct app.
Minister Femke Wiersma and State Secretary Jean Rummenie, both from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature, will attend the House.
Greenpeace Lawsuit Ruling
One of the reasons for the debate is the ruling in the case that Greenpeace filed against the Dutch state. The environmental organization went to court because they believe the state is not taking sufficient measures to reduce nitrogen. The court in The Hague has largely External link:ruled in favor of Greenpeace. Based on the European Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, the state is obliged to prevent the deterioration of nature in the Natura 2000 areas. According to these directives, the state must also ensure that nature is restored.
Motions on PAS Reporters and Ministerial Committee
The agenda also includes the plan of action regarding the motions adopted by MPs Harm Holman (NSC) and Eline Vedder (CDA) about PAS reporters. Additionally, the ministerial committee on Economy and Nature Restoration will be discussed.
Follow Live and Read More
- The debate can be followed live from 3:00 PM via the livestream and the Debat Direct app.
- View all associated documents.