Due to a lack of reception places, a crisis has arisen in the asylum seeker centers in Ter Apel. The House of Representatives will debate the situation with Minister Marjolein Faber of Asylum and Migration. Follow the debate live from 1:45 PM.
In the village of Ter Apel, the largest village in the municipality of Westerwolde, lies the largest asylum seeker center in the Netherlands. Almost all asylum seekers report here upon arriving in the Netherlands. Due to a shortage of reception locations, the number of asylum seekers sometimes becomes too high in Ter Apel.
Thirty-member debate
The debate was requested during the work schedule on April 23, 2024, by MP Kati Piri (GroenLinks-PvdA). She did not receive enough support for a majority debate. At her request, the debate was put on the list of thirty-member debates. Due to the many requests for these minority debates, it can sometimes take a while before a topic is scheduled.
Follow live and read more
- You can follow the debate via the livestream and the Debat Direct app.
- View the speaker list.