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House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer)
        Debat over transparantie maatschappelijke organisaties
Source published: 3 February 2025

Debate on Transparency of Non-Governmental Organizations

How can foreign influence through donations to non-governmental organizations be prevented? The House of Representatives will debate this on Tuesday, February 4. The plenary debate can be followed live from 16:15 via the website and the Debat Direct app.

Minister of Justice and Security David van Weel will debate with members of parliament about the Transparency of Non-Governmental Organizations Act (Wtmo). This law addresses the rules for transparency of received donations. The debate will also cover measures to prevent activities that undermine the democratic legal order. The bill was submitted on November 20, 2020, by former Minister for Legal Protection Sander Dekker.

Targeted Inquiry

The Wtmo stipulates that the mayor, the public prosecutor, and other designated government agencies have the authority to make targeted inquiries into foreign donations to non-governmental organizations. For large donations, they can also ask who the donor is.

Financial Documents in Trade Register

The second part of the bill deals with the rules for foundations. The aim of this section is to prevent financial-economic abuse, such as money laundering and terrorism financing. Foundations are already required to prepare a balance sheet and a statement of income and expenditure. The bill requires foundations to submit these financial documents to the trade register. This enhances the information position of services that perform control, supervision, and enforcement.

Follow Live and Read More

  • You can follow the debate live from 16:15 via the livestream and the Debat Direct app.
  • Read all related documents.
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Source last updated: 3 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 3 February 2025
Source: Tweede Kamer